English 7
Students will be expected to come to class prepared and with assignments completed. Below you will find a general outline of what the year will entail. Please keep in mind that activities, reading lists, projects, and material may be adjusted or altered.
Topics, Texts, & Units:
Define Normal
Esperanza Rising
Touching Spirit Bear
Walk Two Moons
Fractured Fairy Tales
Short Stories
Persuasive Writing
Letter Writing
Bell Ringers
Analyzing and appreciating short stories, novels, drama, and informational texts.
Analyzing the elements of research writing.
Reviewing and expanding knowledge of the English language.
Applying the rules of language through various writing forms, including, but not limited to, research, personal, and descriptive writing.
Applying rules of communication through public speaking and various projects.
Researching and demonstrating competency of using source materials
Grading Scale
Students are expected to follow all guidelines and expectations set forth by the KMS Student Handbook. Expectations will be reviewed periodically throughout the year.
No travel mugs, pop bottles, coffee cups, etc. Students may use water bottles with a resealable lid. Water bottles are subject to inspection at any point. If the water bottle becomes a distraction or is shared between students, it will be confiscated until the end of the hour and the student(s) may be written up.
A reminder that cellphones are not permitted in the classroom for general usage. This includes texting parents/guardians/employers/etc. Students who decide to ignore this expectation will have their phones taken and turned into the office. This is considered the first warning.
Parents/Guardians/Employers/etc. that need to speak to a student are expected to contact the office - not directly text the student.
If it is necessary for a student to have their phone with them during class, please contact the office to create a plan that will be shared with staff.
Students may leave their phones in their locker, in the office, or place them in the basket at the front of the room.
Students who need to use their personal phones for school-related purposes need to communicate with the teacher first.
Students will use school issued technology during school hours to complete assignments and participate in daily activities. No personal devices will be allowed.
Misusing technology will result in loss of access during that class period. Continued misuse may result in extended loss of access.
Loss of technology access will result in no credit for any work requiring the use of technology completed that class period.
Refusal to use school-issued devices will result in no credit for any work requiring the use of technology completed during the class period. Work not expected to be completed in class (ex: tests/quizzes/bell work) may be completed as homework for credit.
No hats or backpacks in the classroom. If there are questions or concerns about this, please contact me directly.
Late Work/Missing Work
Students will be given deadlines to assignments, along with explicit instructions for successful completion. Failure to complete an assignment by the deadline, without communicating with the teacher, will result in a 50% reduction in the final scores and no credit after 5 days. Not completing assignments and “gambling” on a passing score with a missing assignment is not acceptable.
Students are expected to participate in all class assignments, activities, and discussions.
If students or guardians are uncomfortable with materials being covered in class, alternative materials may be made available. If alternative materials are requested, a meeting must be scheduled with the parents/guardians, the principal, and myself to determine acceptable alternatives and establish expectations. Students who request alternative assignments will be held to the same policies as other students.
Students who are uncomfortable with a portion of a unit or completing a particular assignment need to talk to me about modifications. This allows for students to meet unit requirements and still feel comfortable in the classroom.
Google Classroom
Assignments and resources will be uploaded to Google Classroom. Unless otherwise noted, assignments will be submitted online.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to sign-up as guardians, allowing them to receive daily/weekly summaries announcements and assignments. Please contact me if you need help being added as a guardian.